Elden Ring Story and Lore

Elden Ring Story and Lore

When it comes to PC Games, Elden Ring game, which has deeply affected the players and the game world from the moment it entered our lives, has millions of players today. Those who play Elden Ring or do not have time to play are curious about the story of the game and the world behind it. We have prepared this Elden Ring Story and Elden Ring Lore explanations for you. Let's start our story without wasting time. 

Elden Ring Story Background

Within the Elden Ring, there is an entity called the “Outer God”, which we have only heard of and not seen. The name of this being is “Supreme Will”. There is also a type of divine human group called Empyrean. Although they are more human than gods, they are beings who can become the god of the earth at any moment and become the representative of this Supreme Will, which is the outer god, on earth. In fact, we are talking about a pantheon with this structure. The relationship between these two concepts begins when the Supreme Will chose Marika, an empyrean, as the instrument of the Elden Ring, and made the goddess the queen of the earth. With this, Queen Marika is establishing a "golden order" on earth under the guidance of the Supreme Will.

With the grace bestowed upon the earth, a gigantic tree emerges and, with its golden aura, bestows the light of grace upon the entire realm and its inhabitants. This is Erdtree, the representative of the golden order. These 3 balance boards actually form repetitive and intertwined motifs. At the top are the Supreme Will, Queen Marika, who rules the world with her will, and Erdtree, the symbol of the golden order. The Supreme Will communicates with beings on earth through a creature called Two Fingers. Fingerprint, another species that can communicate with this creature, translates this communication.

Elden Ring is in one with Queen Marika. It's almost as if it's part of her body, and there's a ring formed of Supreme Runes that regulates many aspects of the lands in between, such as death, order, and power. In this order that has reigned in the realm since time immemorial, Marika chooses Godfrey, a powerful warrior who has accomplished great things, as her mate. Thus, Godfrey becomes a “Lord” who, like his wife, serves the Supreme Will. Three children are born from this god-human marriage.

Godwyn the Golden, Morgott the Omen King and Mohg Lord of Blood. On the other hand, Father Elden Lord Godfrey, after fighting and victorious from giants to storm lords, has lost his soul because there is no one worth fighting for. Queen Marika also drives Godfrey out of the lands in between. By the way, Marika herself has a male version. This identity, which is the male version of herself, is also known as Radagon. Although Radagon is a derivative version of Marika, he has a body and will of him own. When Radagon leads the golden army to the battlefield, he encounters Rennala, ruler of the earth. When these two fall in love with each other, they get married and have 3 children named Ranni, Moon Princess, General Radahn and Preator Rykard. However, as we just mentioned, Queen Marika immediately sends word to her other half, Radagon, after expelling her husband Godfrey from the realm.

Radagon, even of his own free will, is unable to refuse his other half's call and returns to the Erdtree capital, and the two get married. After this marriage, twin children, Miquella and Malenia, were born. Since they are individuals born of the same person, these 2 children are also born cursed. Miquella would always remain a child, and Malenia, born with an illness, was rotting. At this point, the pantheon seems complete, as all these children are also demigods.

We've left the image of this family tree below so you don't get confused;

Elden Ring and Immortality

Queen Marika wanted an order without the fate of death. He hid the fate of death by extracting the death-related one of these Runes from the Elden Ring, penetrating a sword, and giving it to his brother Maliketh, who was actually an empyrean shadow. So he and him dynasty would live on forever. Thus, a world without death emerged. Death was not the end because he would be resurrected by the now-dead Erdtree. At one point, there were various people who were driven from the realm by being deprived of Erdtree's favor. As players, we are in this group. People like us are called tarnished. We do not know exactly why we were exiled. We must have been seen as a group very prone to rebellion. People who fall into this class can no longer see the guidance of grace and become mortal. Some selected tarnisheds are able to continue the cycle of death and resurrection. While everyone was living in the golden order, Lunar Princess Ranni was involved in a conspiracy by some power groups and took all the power. He took the Rune of Death from him, which was in the possession of his uncle Maliketh. The identity of these power centers is not known for sure, and it doesn't matter much in the main story. Thereupon, Malieth lost her mind for upsetting her brother's mission. As the death-controlling Maliketh collapsed, another group called the “living though dead” appeared in the realm. These are the enemies we fight throughout the game.

The Rune of Death was also free now. In line with the plan, the conspirators' aim was to kill Queen Marika's son, Godwyn, and put an end to the golden order. In a night called the Night of the Black Knives, Lunar Princess Ranni killed herself with one of these daggers. He was killed by an assassin in Godwyn that same night. With the inconsistency caused by the Death of Rune's curse being split into 2, Ranni died in body and Godwyn in spirit. Thus Godwyn became the first demigod to die. This meant the end of the golden order. Having lost her son and seeing the collapse of the golden order ruled by the Supreme Will, Marika lost her faith in god. He smashed the Elden Ring with a hammer to take revenge and escape from captivity. 6 Supreme Runes emerged from the shattered Elden Ring. This golden Supreme Rune was shared among the demigod children of Queen Marika, and each of them gained great power thanks to these Runes.

This power was so great that even in appearance it changed them and made their form monstrous. Each Rune bearer fought each other irresponsibly, and chaos reigned in the realm. Dissatisfied with the state of the Realm, the High Will imprisoned Queen Marika in Erdtree. Meanwhile, Marika's other half, Radagon, was still subordinate to the Supreme Will and tried to repair the Elden Ring but failed. As a result, he shared the Supreme Will's wrath with Marika and was imprisoned in Erdtree. The Supreme Will again gave grace to some of the tarnished ones whose grace had been taken away. Blessed with this grace the tarnisheds, naturally regained immortality. Even though we die every time in the game, this is the phenomenon that explains our resurrection. The Supreme Will's expectation of the tarnisheds was that one of them become Elden Lord and restore the golden order. This is where we got involved. Buy Best PC Games in eTail!

Our Role at Elden Ring

Our motivation in the story begins with the Supreme Will placing the fire of ambition within us. However, our final effect may vary depending on the results we get in the game. Our goal is basically to repair the shattered Elden Ring, and for that we just need to collect 2 Supreme Runes. This means that we have to choose at least 2 demigod sacrifices for ourselves. But of course not everything is for us. There are other tarnished ones like us who are gathered in a place called the Round Table Sanctuary, who can see the guidance of grace, and some are trying to become Elden Lord. We have roughly 6 different endings, 4 different endings where we ascend the throne as Elden Lord, another ending where we become Lords of Mad Fire and there are 6 different alternative endings including an ending where we leave this land with nothing. We did not include these parts in our article because we do not want to miss all the excitement and give you spoilers by explaining how these events happened.

"No matter who it is, let no one take the ring from this realm, let the seclusion beyond the night be mine alone."

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