Mobile Legends Beginner Guide (2023)

Mobile Legends Beginner Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive beginner's guide for Mobile Legends. In our guide today, we'll cover the basics of how to play Mobile Legends. If you want to have detailed information about the game, this article is for you!

What is Mobile Legends?

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, or MLBB for short, is a video game developed and published by Moonton. It was released on 11 July 2016.

How to Play Mobile Legends?

The game proceeds in the logic of the League of Legends game. Two teams of 5 people are fighting on a map. The goal of both teams is to protect their base and destroy the opposing team's base. In the game, each player collects gold by killing minions and jungle creatures with their chosen hero. By purchasing various pieces of equipment with this gold, the player strengthens his/her hero.

Thus, the player gains an advantage by giving the opposing team an advantage. The team that destroys the opposing team's base or makes the opposing team surrender wins the game. Thus, you can go a long way in the Mobile Legends game.
In addition, while continuing the topic of how to play Mobile Legends, we can say that the currency of the game is "Diamond".

Mobile Legends Mods

There are 2 main modes in Mobile Legends game.


In MLBB, each player strengthens their heroes by purchasing equipment for their hero. The team that destroys the opposing team's base or surrenders the opposing team wins the game. Battle points and XP's are earned at the end of the game.


Only players with 90 or higher credit points can play in this mode. In this mode, each player strengthens their hero by purchasing equipment for their hero. The team that destroys the opposing team's base or surrenders the opposing team wins the game. Battle points and XP's are earned at the end of the game. 1 star is earned each time a match is won, and 2 stars if the player has enough points.

The player who earns 5 stars moves to the next league. For each lost match, 1 star is lost, if the player has enough protection points, they will not lose a star. The player who loses 5 stars is relegated to a lower league. In "epic" and higher leagues, both teams can ban 2 or 3 heroes of their choice. If a hero is banned, neither team can't play with that hero. At the beginning of the game, if a team has one or more AFK(Away from Keyboard), that is, players whose game is on but not at the computer, that team may choose to surrender by citing the remaining AFK players.

If a team surrenders due to AFK remaining players, the match will be void for both teams. In voided matches, neither team receives any rewards or penalties, but players who remain AFK will have their credit points reduced. If the player's credit score falls below 90, they cannot play in this mode.

Mobile Legends Map

The main map in the game is inspired by the main map of the League of Legends game "Summoner's Rift". Already the game is known by the player community as the mobile version of the League of Legends game. It cannot be expected that the maps will be very different from each other in two games that are so similar to each other.


The map consists of 3 corridors, the upper (TOP), middle(MID), and lower(BOT) corridors. Each corridor has six towers, and where the corridors meet is the base. Half of the towers in a lane belong to one team and the other half to the other team. Except for the corridors, other parts of the map are called "Jungle(JUNG)". There are creatures here that provide certain "buffs" to the heroes. The forest consists of 2 zones above and below the middle corridor.


Both teams have a base located at the end of the lanes. The purpose of the players is to protect it. The team that destroys the opposing team's base wins the match. Heroes that die will respawn at the base after a certain time. Heroes with low health can teleport to the base and recharge before they die.


Towers are defensive tools located in each lane. Both teams have 9 towers in 3 corridors and 3 towers in a single corridor. The towers are called the "outer tower", "inner tower" and "turret". In the corridors, the towers furthest from the base are the outer tower, the middle ones are the inner tower, and the ones next to the base are the turrets. Towers are also used by players for protection. If anyone from the opposing team enters the tower's borders while there are no minions, the tower will damage it. When entering a tower with a minion, if it damages an opponent, the tower also deals damage. Also, towers can be destroyed by minions and enemy heroes, and all players are notified when a team's tower is destroyed.


These are the green parts in most parts of the map. The hero who enters here becomes invisible and the opposing team members cannot see him. If the opposing team enters the same bush, they can see the player in the bush.


They are tiny beings that spawn from the team's base and disperse into the lanes. 9 minions spawn in a turn and scatter in 3 lanes each. Minions; can hit enemy minions, enemy heroes, and turrets. If the tower is entered before they enter the tower, the tower deals damage to the hero. That's why minions are important. Heroes gain gold when they kill the opponent's minions. They earn more gold if they take the last hit of the kill.
There are 3 types of minions. The foremost minion warrior is a minion and strikes close. His HP is low. The median marksman is a minion and deals damage from a higher distance. His HP is low. The last one is the tank minion and deals damage from afar. It has high HP and gives the most gold. After the lord is slaughtered, minions spawn with him become stronger and larger.

Temple Lord

It appears later in a section set in the middle of the forest. The status of being at the bottom or the top varies. It is a giant creature. Whichever team defeats him, he will side with that team and damage towers and opponents. If Temple Lord is killed by the opposing team, it will respawn after 2 minutes.

Crystal Turtle

It appears later in a section set in the middle of the forest. The status of being at the bottom or the top varies. It is a blue turtle. The slaughterer gets the special turtle buff and becomes stronger. It also gives a certain amount of gold to teammates and the player who kills the turtle and gives a one-time shield to their teammates.


Also known as Red Buff or Red. Both teams have 2 on the map, one on their side. It is located at the end of the superior and at the beginning of the gold. The damage of the hero that cuts is increased. It also does real damage.


Also known as Blue Buff or Blue. Both teams have 2 on the map, one on their side. It is located above and below the middle. The slashing hero's mana and mana regen are increased. The cooldown is also reduced.


Also known as yellow. There are two in total on the map. It is located in the middle of the upper and lower corridors. Grants regular extra gold to the slaughterer for a certain period. It is an important creature because of its contribution in terms of gold.
The first crab that comes out at the beginning of the game is smaller and weaker than normal. Gives less gold. But after a while, it grows and becomes normal.


There are 7 ranked leagues in total in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. If we rank them from the lowest league to the highest league;

  • Fighter
  • Elite
  • Expert
  • Grand Master
  • Epic
  • Myth
  • Mystic

What is Mobile Legends Diamond?

Mobile Legends 1155 Diamonds - (Global)

Mobile Legends Diamonds, or Diamonds directly, is a currency that allows shopping in the in-game store developed by the producer company Moonton for Mobile Legends. Mobile Legends players can get cosmetic items such as new costumes with these Diamonds.

How to Get Mobile Legends Diamonds?

There are two ways to purchase Mobile Legends Diamonds. The first is to access the Store directly from Mobile Legends, then click the Buy Diamonds button. You can buy Diamonds and pay quickly by choosing various payment methods on this screen.
Secondly, you can buy Mobile Legends' Diamonds as a code on our site. To activate this code, you must log in to the Mobile Legends game again, first click the Store and then the Buy Diamonds button. Finally, you must click on the box that says "Redeem" and confirm by typing the Diamond code you have purchased in the box that will open.

Buy Mobile Legends Diamonds on now to access new features in the game and expand your gaming pleasure and take your place in the mobile game world!

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