What are Game Terms?

What are Game Terms?

Game terms are abbreviations that players use to save time and take action quickly.

Real-life work has certain conditions. Games also have certain terms and various jargons within themselves. People who are interested in video games and want to improve themselves in these games should learn these terms. Although each game has its own terms, games also have similar terms. Learning these terms will allow the player to adapt to the game more easily and develop more easily.

Below are some game terms with their explanations:

Game Terms



AFK The term AFK is a general term used in games. This term means "away from keyboard". Indicates that the player is temporarily unavailable.


Adds The term Adds is known as "additional enemies" that spawn alongside bosses in games. While fighting with bosses, it is necessary to pay attention to additional enemies.


AoE The term called AoE stands for "area of effect". It refers to attacks and abilities in a specific area. Single-target weapons contradict this term. It usually consists of different shapes, such as a circle or a square, that make up an area.


Bot The term bot is a common term in all games. It is the name given to non-human opponents or teammates. Bots are automatically directed by the computer.


The term camping means sitting still at a certain point on the map. Players who do this are also called campers. Such players sit in one spot on the map, waiting for other players to appear, and then hunt them down when the time comes.


Cheese/Cheesing The term cheesing refers to an inexpensive tactic used to comfortably complete missions in games. Performing certain combos in a row to take down enemies is an example of "cheesing".


The term clans refers to a community. It is the name of the community established by the different players in the game. Players in the clan support each other.


The term cooldown refers to the cooldown of skills or attacks used in-game. Skills that do more damage or benefit more often also have a long cooldown.


The term crafting means creating weapons and similar items in games. Other items can be created with different materials collected. In general, crafting is a common term in most games.


The term DLC is defined as downloadable content. Items such as cosmetics, characters, and maps that can be downloaded separately from the game are called DLC. In some cases, DLCs are available for an additional fee.


DPS stands for "damage per second". It is the measurement that determines how much damage weapons or attacks will do. Unlike classes such as tanks and healers, the term DPS is more common in assassin or mage-style classes

Feeding/ Throwing  

The meaning of the term "feeding" is defined as feeding between players. If the player intentionally kills himself repeatedly at enemies, this is called feeding. This is done to assist the opposing team. Intentional feeding has certain

The term FPS is used in two different senses in games. The first of these stands for "frames per second", which indicates how smoothly the game is running. Another meaning is first-person perspective. The player sees the game as if playing through the eyes of the character.


The term GG is a commonly used term in online games in general. It is considered a "good game" among players and is a sign of sportsmanship. The term GGEZ means "easy game" and is used to mock the opposing team


Grinding is repeated movements to achieve the desired result in the game. Constantly fighting monsters to improve weapons in an RPG game is called grinding.


The term K/D is known as the kill-death ratio. It is a term that describes the performance of players in online games. A player with 10 kills and 2 deaths will have an K/D of 5,0.


The term lag is a common online gaming term. It is the name given to the delay between the commands given by the player and the events that occur in the game. It affects the playability level of the game quite a lot. Lag is


Mashing is known as the act of pressing keys randomly and quickly. It is used for players who press random keys without following any strategy.


The term noob is also a common term mostly used in online games. It can be used as an insult to players who


The term OP is an abbreviation of "overpowered". It is called when a player in the game becomes very strong. In addition, if there is a weapon that most players prefer in the game, this weapon is also called OP.


The term smurf means that players with a high knowledge of the game create new accounts instead of using their own original accounts and gain an advantage over inexperienced players. People who identify as Smurf


It is the name given to the bag in which the character's belongings are stored and carried in the games. Inventory capacity may vary from game to game.


It is the name given to the patches published over the internet by the game manufacturer to fix the bugs in the game.


It is the term defined as the main missions that players must complete in the game.


It is the genre name given to open world games that allow players to roam completely freely within the game map


Abbreviation for "Experience Points".It is the skill points that players need to progress through the games.


Checkpoint is the name given to the points that players need to reach. The game is usually saved at checkpoints and can be revived at the nearest checkpoint when the player dies.

Fall Damage

In some games, falling from a height hurts the character. Fall damage is the name given to damage taken while falling from a certain height.

Kill Streak

The point earned after consecutive kills of the opposing team players is called the kill streak.


The term skin is the name given to the character's special skins or items in the game. Skins are sold for money in most games. Skins don't change the properties of the elements, they are only used for the appearance.


Deathmatch is a term often used in online FPS games. It is a game type where the player is aimed to kill the most opponents and be the first. There is also a version of Deathmatch played in teams.

Jump Scare

The term Jump Scare is often used in horror and thriller games. It is the name given to the appearance of creatures on the screen with the loud and frightening sound coming out of the game.


Killsteal means killing an enemy someone else is trying to kill before he do.

Zero-player game

The term zero-player game refers to the absence of real players in the games. In such games, the computer plays against the computer.

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