What is NVIDIA Geforce Now?

What is Nvidia Geforce Now?

GeForce Now is a cloud gaming service developed by NVIDIA. It works by directing a remote computer with powerful hardware through a fast internet connection and transferring the image from the computer to the player. Thanks to this technology, playing games using an internet connection is possible. This technology, which allows playing tens, hundreds, and more games over the internet connection, is also frequently preferred by players recently.

In addition, NVIDIA Geforce Now technology, which works with an internet connection, is also helpful for playing games on tablets, phones, and other ANDROID devices. Developed by the California-based and world-famous company, NVIDIA Geforce Now is seen as one of the most significant technological developments of the last period. New and high-graphics games are released daily in line with the developing technology and demands. As the features and graphics of the games develop, the computer requirements may not meet this in some cases. This is where NVIDIA Geforce Now comes into play.

So what is NVIDIA Geforce Now? What does it do? What are the NVIDIA Geforce Now system requirements? Which company developed NVIDIA Geforce Now? How to use NVIDIA Geforce Now? For answers to all these questions and more, you can continue reading our article and learn everything you wonder about quickly.

What Does NVIDIA Geforce Now Do?

Every gamer wants to play their favorite games with high performance. The performance of your computer is equivalent to the version you will show in the game. For this reason, the system features should be sufficient for the games as a priority. However, as every gamer knows today, new games are released by various video game producer companies. The new games released need higher system requirements thanks to their graphics and features. In this case, computers must be constantly renewed, or system features must be improved. In other words, we can use the high-end computer for games that will be released for a maximum of 5 years. When the time is even shorter, the situation can be highly challenging.

At this point, Geforce Now technology can come to the rescue of the players. This system allows you to play the game by taking advantage of the internet speed in case your computer cannot meet the system requirements required by the game. This continuously developed system will allow you to play games on the internet without the need for any other features other than simple system requirements shortly or in the future.

In general, NVIDIA Geforce Now allows playing games on computers and other devices whose system features are insufficient for games. Based on its ability to do this, the servers you are connected to from the internet are preferred, not the computer, during the game. In other words, the games that take the server as a resource can be played without the need for the features on your computer. Thanks to the system, you can run and play all games online. However, you may need specific system features to run the Nvidia Geforce Now system. First, you should play the games on a device with good internet speed. Otherwise, it is possible to encounter problems such as freezing, stuttering, or exiting the game.

How Does NVIDIA Geforce Now Work?

NVIDIA Geforce Now is a technology that can work without requiring high-level system requirements. This technology allows you to play games entirely over the server and the internet and can be used on various devices. The Geforce Now system will enable you to play games by utilizing the features of the computer on the server, not the computer features during the game.

For example, you purchased a specific NVIDIA Geforce Now package. Then you log into the server and open the game. You play the game not from your computer but from a high-spec computer connected to the server, thanks to the internet. Thanks to this feature, you can easily play any game you want, regardless of your computer's system specifications. Geforce Now, which allows you to play games with high-end graphics and high system requirements, will enable you to play games not only from your computer but also from your ANDROID devices, such as phones and tablets with an internet connection.

What is NVIDIA Geforce Now System Requirements?

Games may need high system requirements. However, thanks to GeForce Now, playing games without high-end system requirements is possible. However, your computer must have some system features to play games on the NVIDIA Geforce Now system. However, these features are not very high level. It is enough to have features that can be met by phones and tablets. NVIDIA Geforce Now system requirements are as follows;

  • 2.0 GHz Dual Core Processor or higher
  • NVIDIA GeForce 600 or AMD Radeon HD 3000 and higher graphics cards
  • Minimum 15 Mbps internet speed for 720p – 60 FPS
  • 25 Mbps internet speed for 1080p and 60 FPS
  • 4GB of RAM

Computers with the above features can use the NVIDIA Geforce Now system and play the game they want. NVIDIA Geforce Now phone system requirements are as follows;

  • 2GB of RAM
  • Android 5.0 or higher
  • OpenGL ES 3.2 or higher

With the above features, you can play any game you want via Geforce Now on ANDROID phones.

What Are Geforce Now Games?

Playing all the new and upcoming games through the GeForce Now system is possible. Since the system's first day, many players can easily play games on the internet. In addition, it is possible to play both free and paid games on the system. Some of the games you can play on NVIDIA Geforce Now are as follows;

Using Geforce Now, you can easily play many paid and free games, especially those above, even if your computer systems are insufficient.

How Much Does NVIDIA Geforce Now Price?

Players who want to use the NVIDIA Geforce Now system and play games on their computer must first purchase a package. It is not possible to use the Geforce Now feature continuously for free. NVIDIA, the system manufacturer, offers you various packages you can buy for specific fees. By purchasing one of these packages, players can easily play the games they want within the box. Nvidia Geforce Now the fee is as follows;

  • Basic Package: Provides 30 minutes of free session time and limited capacity. You can use this pack once.
  • 1 Month Premium: 6 hours of the day is $9.99.
  • 6 Month Premium: 6 hours of the day is $49.99.

NVIDIA Geforce Now prices are generally as above. However, package prices may change periodically at specific intervals. In addition, the brand can make discounts and campaigns in particular periods. Therefore, do not forget to check the package prices before purchasing Geforce now. You can use the free package once and buy all other boxes. All packages specify the amount of time you can play online.

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