Lost Ark Character Selection Guide

Lost Ark Character Selection Guide

There are different characters in Lost Ark game. These characters are divided into 5 different main classes among themselves. The names of these master classes are Warrior, Martial Artist, Gunner, Mage and Assasin. Within these classes, there are subclasses that have similar features but can use different abilities. Below, the subclasses are examined in detail under the headings of the main classes.

Before starting the Lost Ark game, you can read our Lost Ark System Requirements article to find out if your system is sufficient!

Lost Ark | Warrior

The Lost Ark Warrior main class is divided into 3 different subclass branches.

1. Berserker Character
The Berserker character has quite ruthless power on the battlefield. Even though wielding a massive sword causes him to perform some attacks slowly, he can still deal a lot of damage with his abilities. The Berserk Fury mod, known as the Power mod, fills up as you attack enemies. Activating this power mod greatly increases the character's critical damage chance and attack speed. It is commonly known as a simple class. This class, which has very easy to learn mechanics, is very useful in PVE mode.

2. Paladin Character
The Paladin class is designed as a tank support character that can provide a team advantage in both PVP and PVE. The abilities of this class come in two different styles. Yellow abilities are known as Sacred skills and blue abilities are considered punitive skills. Yellow abilities are used to provide support and blue abilities are used for damage. Even though the tank is a support class, it does very well in dungeons by itself. He uses holy magic and a great sword. There is a support set with more splits than the Bard class. However, his healing abilities are rather weak compared to Bard.

3.Gunlancer Character
The Gunlancer class is a highly recommended heavy tank character for shield buffs. This character has a strong shield that manages to block most attacks. Known as one of Lost Ark's best, the Gunlancer character can deal massive explosion damage in a variety of ways. Can take a lot of direct damage from bosses. However, this class without mobility is quite slow.

Lost Ark | Martial Artist

The Lost Ark Martial Artist main class is divided into 4 different subclasses.

1. Striker Character
The Striker class is a very popular PVP class. Its use in PVE is quite low. The Striker character specializes in CC, making him quite strong in PVP with attacks that keep enemies steady. It has relatively simple combo mechanics. It has a fragile structure because its defense is quite weak.

2.Wardancer Character
The Wardancer character is a melee class with high mobility and burst damage. The War Dancer can then create the power gauge that can use high-powered special abilities. It has good combo abilities and damage array for PVP. However, it is not an exciting enough class as it has a fairly simple gameplay.

3.Scrapper Character
The Scrapper character is a sharp class with a lot of damage. She can apply buffs to herself and her teammates, and debuff to bosses. Makes bosses easier to defeat by weakening them. It can cause long-term damage. It has two unique playstyles that differ from each other depending on Engranivg. Therefore, a class that is somewhat difficult to learn.

4.Soulfist Character
The Soulfist character has pretty strong burst damage but has serious issues with surviving. The mobility of this class is used to avoid enemy damage. Abilities are reloaded by hitting enemies. It is one of the most trusted meta PVP classes in Lost Ark. It is also a difficult class to master.

Lost Ark | Gunner

The Lost Ark Gunner main class is divided into 4 different subclass branches.

1.Gunslinger Character
The Gunslinger character is a class that can switch between three different weapons. These weapons are shotgun, dual pistol and sniper gun. Switching between weapons makes it easier to deal longer lasting damage. It is a class with a lot of mobility and damage. This class, which is quite fragile, is difficult to play. During the war, it is necessary to pay close attention to cooldowns and debuffs.

2.Artillerist Character
The Arthillerist character has a great balance between damage, tank and CC immunity. The Artillerist character's Identity Indicator gains Firepower over time. When the gauge is full, it can be switched to badass Turret mode, which can be used alone on PVE contents. When switching to turret mode, the character can’t move.

3.Deadeye Character

Like Gunslinger, the Deadeye character is a class that can switch between three different weapons. It has a high burst of damage and a lot of mobility. It can provide critical support to the entire party. In order to inflict maximum damage, it is necessary to get close with the shotgun. It is a very useful class in both PVE and PVP.

4.Sharpshooter Character
The Sharpshooter character can do ranged and melee attacks. The Sharpshooter's identity skill is to summon a hawk. You can attack enemies with the Falcon. It's a little easier to play as you don't have to get too close to the bosses. It has a lot of mobility so it is more likely to survive in PVP arenas.

Lost Ark | Mage

The Lost Ark Mage main class is divided into 2 different subclasses.

1.Bard Character
The Bard character is one of the special supporting characters of Lost Ark. This class provides help to the party with damage reduction, damage increase, and various other abilities. Bard's Identity ability is Serenade. There are two different Serenades that can be used. These are the Serenade of Courage and the Serenade of Liberation. Despite these features, it has low attack power and is a rather fragile class.

2.Sorceress Character
The Sorceress character is a powerful mage class in Lost Ark. It has managed to become one of the most popular classes in the game during Lost Ark's release period. It can use various abilities such as dealing damage with fire and lightning. Ice to stun and slow. The wizard has two different abilities that can be used after the id bar is full. These are Teleportation and Flashing. His magic damage output is pretty high, but he's still one of the fragile characters in the game.

Lost Ark | Assassin

The Lost Ark Assassin main class is split into 2 different subclass branches.

1.Shadowhunter Character
The Shadowhunter character is a class of assassins that specialize in shapeshifting. Mechanically, it has two different forms. Their names are Man and Satan. Overall, this class is easy to play and deals excellent damage. He has some of the most amazing abilities in the game.

2.Deathblade Character
The Deathblade character is an agile assassin class. Using three different blades, this class has high mobility and damage. It is a highly preferred class in PVP fields for beginners or experienced people.

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